U.S. Airports where you’ll Probably Lose Your Luggage

Top Three U.S. Airports where you’ll Probably Lose Your Luggage

We all hate losing our luggage or getting it sent in the wrong place. Well, it’s a common fear for everyone, aside from having contraband inside your luggage. It’s very jaw-dropping, though to know that even the U.S., one of the countries having the best technology to experience the same thing.

U.S. Airports where you’ll Probably Lose Your Luggage
U.S. Airports where you’ll Probably Lose Your Luggage


According to the 2015 Annual Report by U.S. Department of Transportation, these are the list of the top three airlines that keeps losing the most passenger luggage:


  1. Envoy Air (formerly known as American Eagle) – A merger airline company between American Airlines and U.S. Airways, Envoy Air mishandled over 101,000 bags (that is 8.52 mishandled bags per 1,000 passengers) this year. However, this is somewhat good news due to the fact that they managed to mishandle an average of 9.02 bags per 1,000 passengers on year 2014.


  1. ExpressJet Airlines – Being known for operating specialized regional flights branded as United Airlines, American and Delta Air Lines, this regional carrier is responsible for mishandling 5.06 bags per 1,000 passengers this year. However, the good news is, it is still considered an improvement due to the fact that the company has received 36,000 less mishandled baggage reports for the Annual Report for the last year.


  1. SkyWest – ExpressJet’s sister regional carrier had also managed to mishandle and average of 4.05 bags per 1,000 passengers last year according to the Annual Report. This is somewhat lower compared to 4.69 bags during 2014.





