Before we answer the question, “Can we really stop cigarette smoking through electronic cigars?” let us have a rundown of what truly is an electronic cigar.
An electronic cigarette also dubbed as e-cigarette is a battery-operated piece of stick device that contains liquid nicotine dissolved in a solution consisting of water and propylene glycol. They are also designed to look like real cigarettes with white cylindrical body, brown filter complete with red-glowing tip. The twist—this one has a rechargeable battery, a plastic mouthpiece and a heating element.
E-cigarettes work by puffing on the end of it, causing the battery to heat up the nicotine inside. The process then creates a vapour inhaled into the lungs resulting into ‘vaping.’ This so-called vaping is characterized with a sensation of smoke inside the mouth just like when a person is actually smoking cigarettes.
While many people opt for e-cigars to help them quit the vice and many claimed to have successfully backed out of the habit… well, they are the very ones who are still addicted to nicotine, a substance still found inside the e-cigars. Hence, transferring your attention to e-cigarettes doesn’t help at all! They are poor substitutes for the real cigarettes. Furthermore, according to the studies, several things were also revealed about these devices:
- Carcinogens nitrosamines found in tobaccos were found in half of the test samples during the research.
- There’s no such thing as no nicotine in cartridges though their amounts are minimal compared to the cartridges with it.
- Most of the samples bear anabasine, myosmine and β-nicotyrine, tobacco-particular substances which are harmful for humans.
There are a lot of other ways to help yourself to quit smoking if you are a smoker. You can go through counselling and support groups which are preferably human friendly than these so-called ‘substitutes.’