Steve jobs once said “knowing what to leave out” in mobiles is important than what you have to put in. It correctly apt the situation of today’s mobile phones. Most of the phones are coming with more than two email apps, two photo apps, two messaging apps etc. If you have one app which is very good, then it is obviously a burden to your phone (and its users also) to accommodate other app. If you produce one good app, you not only saves the storage space for the customer but also proudly say this app is better than any other because it is doing all the things better than the remaining apps.
Recently released Samsung S5 is not up to the mark as expected by the customers. There are no major hardware changes apart from the fingerprint scanner. This is the second phone coming with this facility, the first being Apple’s iPhone 5S. Samsung introduced a facility similar to Apple’s AirDrop i.e. Quick Connect, which will help in sharing photos, contacts, business cards etc. with other phone or tablet wirelessly. Frankly, I am frustrated with the Samsung’s idea behind incorporating apps. For e-mail it is O.K., because for gmail one app and for other mail accounts they can use the Samsung native mail app. But what is the need for incorporating two photo apps, two messaging apps (One from Google and one from Samsung), two video players etc. It is so crammed with several options and is looking like sinking on its weight.
It is an amazing phone with lovely screen and better resolution, good audio quality, beautiful front and rear cameras etc. This phone is also designed with removable cover, removable battery, removable SD card etc. But I personally could not understand why the company opted for so called gimmicks which had never worked and ever will. The phone itself is amazing and in the view to impress the customers Samsung clustered so many apps which are not at all necessary. Finally, the phone S5 is looking like a dish prepared with 1000 chefs, each one of them having their own ideas to make the dish good.