Category: Fitness
How Does Stretching Help You Trim Down Extra Weight?
Whenever you do a weight loss program, you must always remember that you do some stretching firm before you exercise. This is also recommended by gym instructors and fitness enthusiasts alike. However, most people notice among themselves that stretching doesn’t make them sweat their accumulated fats out, therefore making them think that this is not…
How to Lose Extra Weight without Dieting or Doing Some Exercise
Most of us find it very difficult to believe that you can lose weight without doing any kind of exercise. Well, this is usually achieved by taking weight-loss drugs or undergoing medical procedures such as liposuction. However, if you don’t have the amount of money required in order to have those, most of us tend…
How to Calculate Your Calorie Intake as a Part of Weight Loss
As a part of your weight loss regimen, one must know how much calories he or she must need every day in order to stay energized. As we all know, people need to eat in order to have energy, which comes in the form of calories. Each day, whenever we work or do activities of…
Best Ways to Lose Weight When You’re Over Thirty
When you’re over thirty years of age, losing weight is a very difficult thing to do, especially if you’re a woman. During this age, weight loss is a difficult challenge especially to those who have children. However, losing weight at this age is not impossible. The truth is, most female fitness enthusiasts usually start losing…
Usual Issues Why Dieting Doesn’t Work
Dieting is a form of weight-loss strategy that is commonly being done by people nowadays. Unknown to most of us, dieting isn’t just about depriving yourself with your choicest foods and then resorting to eating vegetables instead. If you’re thinking the same way, let me tell you that this is a wrong concept. As…
Most Common Workout Mistakes Committed by Men
Most men do really want to have a macho kind of body, a body that is usually composed of fully-developed biceps, rock-hard chest and washboard abs. Since men are thinking that having an Arnold Schwarzenegger-like body makes you look more ‘manly’, doing lots of workout is a basic necessity. The truth is, having that…
5 Essential Things that You Must Do After Workout
Most of us are doing exercises or workouts in order to lose weight. Maybe you’re one of those people but somehow, you have decided to stop just because you’re thinking that what you’re doing doesn’t give you any good results at all. Well…the reason behind that actually lies on what you do. What do these…
How to Bench Press in Perfect Form
It is unarguable that bench press is an activity for men that boost more than just their muscle figure but most especially their ego. In actuality, bench pressing requires lifting weights which is much more than what is truly necessary. It seems that every man in the gym wants to perform the stunt to impress,…