TNEA 2014 vacancy position live update facility for checking availability of seats college wise, course wise and district wise and intake list are now provided by Anna university. Students who have applied for this exam would sit for single window academic counselling conducted by Anna university.
How can you make use of these updates? The vacancy position and intake list have been provided by the university in college wise, course wise and district wise.
Vacancy position/ Seat Availability-Branch Wise and Course wise
One can check the list branch wise irrespective of college can be checked online, if you click on the send button adjacent to the branch after selecting the engineering course (branch). When you do this selection you will see the availability position with number of engineering seats in the particular branch which was selected, in all the engineering colleges in Tamilnadu. For example if you want to see the seats for mechanical engineer then you will have to select Mechanical Engineering (ME) and click send button. The result will be the availability of seats for this particular subject. The seats available in all the colleges of Tamilnadu after the completion of counselling session and dates will be shown. One can also see college wise/ community wise/ reservation quota wise.
Similarly if you want to check vacancy, college wise and college code wise, this is also possible. All you need to do is select the particular college code and click on the send button you will get all the details about different colleges in Tamilnadu and you will know where all are the seats available and there is vacancy for the same.
All the information and details are available online these days. All of them are live updates. So you can get instant updates and information on the availability of seats be it college wise, course wise, district wise or any other bifurcation that you want to check the availability in. Now it has become very easy for students to find out and apply for the college that they want to depending on the availability of seats.