What You must do When Technology Fails in Your Class

What You must do When Technology Fails in Your Class

Nowadays, technology plays a very big role when it comes to education. Teachers now have the convenience of using projectors and computers when teaching inside the classroom.  The learning becomes faster since visual aids are always available online. Compared than before, subjects such as science and mathematics can be taught much easier in addition to the fact that teachers don’t need to draw misshapen circles or distorted version of a human anatomy.

What You must do When Technology Fails in Your Class

However, problems do happen even if you have everything arranged according to your plan. Such problems usually include a corrupted thumb drive, a malfunctioning computer, slow or no internet connection or, in worst cases, a faulty projector. This is very frustrating, especially if your students need to learn necessary lessons right before an upcoming major examination.


If you’re a teacher or even a class facilitator, you can even turn this crisis into an opportunity. This opportunity can also take you a notch closer to your students than ever before. If you’re interested to know this one, here’s how.


  1. Watch everything you say when it comes to this situation. Some people take things negatively during this time, therefore making them say something in a reckless way. If we’re not careful about this one, this could create problems in the near future such as commotion among students, gossiping and much more. In the worst case, you’ll even get shocked seeing your students imitate what you do.


  1. Solve the problem methodically. If you’re a Science or Mathematics teacher, you must have tackled the words ‘scientific method’ and ‘problem solving’. Needless to say, you can actually apply what you teach in a whole new way without taking things negatively. In this way, your students will realize that what you’re teaching them can be applied even in real life.


  1. Show perseverance. Whether we accept it or not, some problems require ‘trial and error’ methods before it gets solved. In this case, you need to show lots of perseverance. We all know that scientists didn’t solve their problems in one sitting, isn’t it?


  1. Paper and Pencil Method. If in case that no troubleshooting worked in case of tech failure, you must make sure that you can teach even if you have to use plain paper and pencil. As a teacher or class facilitator, it’s much better that you don’t rely on the convenience of technology at all times. In addition to that, your lessons can be taught even without using electricity, isn’t it?





