Premature Babies

Premature Babies : Facts and Trivia

According to statistics, most pregnancies last up to estimated 40 weeks.  Babies born between 37 to 40 weeks gestation are hailed as full-term new born babes; and those who were born before the 37weeks of pregnancy period are called premature babies.


Presently, with the aid modern technology in medical field, the chance of giving birth to a premature baby can be until 23 weeks gestation.  In many hospitals, this is the cutoff point of medical intervention wherein doctors can try to save the life of a premature born baby.  Yet, this is a loose description based on general concept.  A baby born before or at 23 weeks gestation requires extensive medical support: respiratory aid, invasive treatments and long, difficult stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

 Premature Babies
Premature Babies



Estimated Survival Rates

  • Babies who are born at their 23rd week have a mere 17% chance of survival.
  • Babies who are born at their 24th week a 39%chance of survival.
  • Babies who are born at their 25th week have a 50% chance of survival.
  • Babies who are born at their 26th week have an 80% chance of survival.
  • Babies who are born at their 27th week have a 90% chance of survival.
  • Babies who areborn between their 28th-31st weeks have a 90-95% chance of survival.
  • Babies who are born between their 32nd-33rd weeks have a 95% chance of survival.
  • Most babies who are born at their 34th week (or above) have the same chances survival as a full-term infant.


Categories of Prematurity


  1. Mild : Are babies born between 33-36 weeks gestation and/or having weight of between 1500g-2000g upon birth.
  1. Moderate: Are babies born between 28-32 weeks gestation and/or having weight of between 1000g- 1500g upon birth.
  1. Extreme: Are babies born before the 28th week of gestation or who weigh less than 1000g upon birth.
  • Late Preterm : Are babies born between 34 and 37 weeks gestation
  • Preemie : Are babies born at less than 32 weeks gestation
  • Micro-preemie : Are babies born at less than 25 weeks gestation


Famous People born Premature

  • Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Charles Darwin
  • Amilia Taylor (most premature baby of 21 weeks and 6 days gestation)
  • Phillip Phillips
  • Pablo Picasso
  • Isaac Newton
  • Stevie Wonder











