If you’re an iPhone or iPad user, you must have already known that the product is actually designed inside their headquarters in Cupertino, California. However, it definitely doesn’t mean that the iPhone itself is made and manufactured in that particular place. Just imagine this thing: their headquarters in California is somewhat small to manufacture those aside from the fact that they’re short on crew there.
The truth behind Assembling and Manufacturing of iPhones
Assembly and Manufacturing are entirely different from each other. When it comes to gadgets, whenever you say manufacture, it pertains to the making of particular parts that make an iPhone, while assembly is the process of joining these separate parts in order to make the iPhone product. Needless to say, the making of every iPhone’s essential parts and its assembly occur in different countries, according to what iPhone wants. Once the necessary parts are manufactured, these parts are then delivered in the place of assembly so that the iPhone product can be made. Once done, the finished product undergoes a wide series of quality control-related tests before being packaged and labeled accordingly.
In order to summarize things up, your iPhone must have been designed in California. However, chances are that your iPhone must have been made elsewhere. Listed below are the countries that are somehow involved in making your iPhone’s essential parts:
- Accelerometers – are manufactured by Bosch Sensortech, which is originally a German-based company, with bases that are located in Taiwan, China, South Korea, Germany and U.S.
- Audio Chips – are manufactured by Cirrus Logic, a U.S.-based company, inside their branches in U.K., China, Singapore, South Korea and Japan.
- Batteries – are either manufactured by Samsung in South Korea or Sunwoda Electronics, which is based inside China.
- Cameras – are either manufactured by Sony in Japan and Qualcomm in the U.S.
- LCD Screens – are either manufactured by LG in South Korea or Sharp in Japan.
- Flash Memory – is either manufactured by Samsung in South Korea or Toshiba, which is originally based in Japan.
- Networking Chips – Whether it is 3G or 4g/LTE, these chips are originally manufactured by Qualcomm.
- A-Series Processors – The iPhone’s processors are manufactured by Samsung in South Korea or TSMC, a Taiwan-based company.
As you can all see, the iPhone’s parts are actually manufactured in different countries around the world. Needless to say, there’s no way for you to determine where your iPhone’s parts actually came from, though its place of assembly can be somewhat identified by its label.