Due to the fact that it is mostly misdiagnosed in the past such as osteoarthritis, gout or rheumatoid arthritis, the right treatment for Psoriatic Arthritis is still unknown. However, since medical science is now more advanced than before, the awareness for this kind of arthritis is now being increased.
To those who don’t know, Psoriatic Arthritis is a kind of inflammatory arthritis, meaning that those who experience it have inflamed joints, limiting the patient’s movement as a whole. Because of the inflammation, the joints are constantly being damaged even though a very slight movement is done by the patient. Just like the treatment, there is no definite diagnosis for this one, though medical history, x-ray tests and other physical examinations can be based for this one. Further tests show that those who experience this kind of arthritis are tested negative on the rheumatoid factors being displayed by gout or rheumatoid arthritis.
Diagnostic Criteria for those who have Psoriatic Arthritis include:
- Experiencing inflammatory arthritis in spine or large joints in the body
- Psoriasis is experienced either by the patient or one of those who belong in his or her family tree.
- X-Ray test having evidence of new bone formations near or around the joints but having no case of osteophytes.
- Little or no rheumatoid factor, meaning that the patient has a little or no uric acid content that is forming inside his or her joint area.
- Hyperuricemia is experienced along with metabolic abnormalities in the patient.