You may your own reason for wanting a copy of all the messages mentioning your favoritehashtag, but we’re okay with that. However, as before, you didn’t have the option of saving or archiving those messages. Let’s underline the word “before” as Google provided a way of extracting those messages in few simple steps. This Google trick doesn’t only permit you to obtain those hashtag messages but can also monitor updates and other tweets regarding a particular hastag.
You don’t have to be internet or computer savvy in order to perform this task. Actually, the Google does the job by connecting to your Twitter through Google script.
Now, the Twitter Archiver is available in two editions: Free and Premium. We can always translate the meaning of Premium into having much more decent service including faster performance in archiving tweets; having email support options; and Platinum feature that permits remote screen sharing, Skype and Hangout one-on-one support system.
- Have your copy of Twitter Archiver sheet from this link straight into your Google Drive.
- Next, change the name of the worksheet (note: it is not the same as the Google Spreadsheet) to your favoritehashtag or particular search phrase that you want to keep eye on.
- Head to and make a new Twitter app. Just enter your details like name, description, website (a placeholder if you don’t have one) and put as your Callback URL.
- Save your settings and proceed to Keys & Access Tokens tab and take record of theTwitter Consumer Key and Secret API keys.
- Head back to Google Spreadsheet and select Authorize from the list of Twitter Archiver You can then input the Twitter Consumer keys and save the configuration afterwards.
- Hit the Authorize Twitter button in order to link the Spreadsheet with your Twitter application.
- Finish! You can then wait for the script to do its thing and happy monitoring!