TNPSC Exam hall ticket 2014 download all

TNPSC is conducting Assistant Engineer exam on 27th July 2014 and this is for filling seventy plus vacancies.  Lakhs of students apply for this job and engineering is one of the most common subjects that candidates take up in order to build their future.  This is the best opportunity given by Tamilnadu Public Service Commission and this way candidates will get to work under government undertaking which is always beneficial and many of us want to join government organization and build our future with them because there are lot of benefits involved when one works for the government.

This examination is held by Taminnadu Public Service Commission and the exam will be online examination which will be held on 27th July 2014.  The candidates will have to get their hall ticket and take it along with them to the hall for them to attempt the exam.  The candidates who have applied online for the said post can get their admit card / hall ticket online from the official website which is  The steps to download the card is given below.

The very first thing is to visit the website  Then you have to find the TNPSC Assistant Engineer (Civil) Admit card link and click it.  Enter your registration number/ date of birth and other details.  After this click on submit and take the print of your hall ticket or admit card.  Follow these steps and you can get hold of your hall ticket which is very essential for you to go and attempt the examination and get the job that you have always wanted.

Get the best opportunity to work in a government organization at a good post and you can build your carrier extremely well by joining this post.  The opportunity is really good and one should grab it with both hands.  So, go ahead and apply for the post and examination online and get the hall ticket on time for you to attend the exam and get through it with flying colours and make a place for yourself in the office.





