APPSC conducted an exam on February 23, 2014 for the post of Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Secretary where about 2600 candidates sat in the exam at various exam centers. APPSC stands for Andhra Pradesh Public service commission. The answer keys for the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Secretary Exam can be downloaded from their official website but the question is how to download the appsc panchayat secretary exam answer keys from their website.
Candidates who appeared in the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Secretary Exam can also visit the Andhra Pradesh government website from which they can download the answer keys for paper 1 and paper 2 also. Moreover the answer keys for Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Secretary Exam are official now.
Appsc panchayat secretary answer key for paper 1,
Appsc panchayat secretary exam answer keys for paper 2
Official website:
Above mentioned is the only dedicated site where you can check the latest job notifications, hall ticket downloads, answer keys for apssc exam and also check appsc exam results.
Candidates who wrote the apssc exam 2014 can also look for more information and can get their queries resolved by dropping their comments to concerned officials.