Nowadays, the internet is making search of information easier. There are lots of online references that are open to all which can be shared to each other by means of using website links. These links are URLs of the websites that can be cut and pasted even in social networking sites. Using such technique will require the visitors just a single mouse click.
How to Test a Suspicious Email or Link without Clicking it
However, despite the ease of access, not all website links are legitimate, and this fact also applies to emails as well. Website links and emails alike are also used by hackers in order to phish or gather sensitive information to anyone, starting from email address passwords up to credit card details. In addition to that, email and website links can also open the gateway for computer viruses and other malware to enter and compromise your computer or gadget, depending on the type used.
Link Testing: Protect Yourself from Spam and Cyber Attacks
Just as was mentioned earlier, website links and email can be legitimate or not, being enough reason for you to test its authenticity. Listed below are the things that you must do whenever you receive suspicious email and links online:
- Always use A LOT OF COMMON SENSE. First and foremost, using common sense will save you from lots of headaches online. A perfect example to use this is whenever you receive an email such as “Congratulations! You won $1M in the lottery! Get your price here” provided with an online link. The common sense here is that how will you win such a price if you don’t even have the time to buy yourself a lottery ticket?
- Surf to the website directly whenever you encounter ‘technical problems’. It is common nowadays for people with online bank accounts like PayPal to receive emails, saying that their accounts are compromised along with a provided link. If you suspect that the email or link is fraudulent, DON’T CLICK THE PROVIDED LINK. Instead, go directly to PayPal’s online website using your web browser.
- Use a Link Scanner to check website links. If you think that an email or website link is suspicious but have no obvious means to prove it, you can use an online link scanner such as ScanURL or Norton’s SafeWeb to check it. Just copy and paste the website link on the search bar and wait for the results.
- Use Antivirus software. Antivirus software nowadays have an included website link scanner, therefore letting your computer check for website links and warning you for potential threats. However, most of these still requires you to click the provided link, which can be risky.