Teens Keep Away from Drugs or Substance Abuse

How to Help Teens Keep Away from Drugs or Substance Abuse – 4 Tips

It is understandable when parents become extra careful and strict when their children come to their teen years.  After all, this is what they call the “age of transition.”  This is also the stage when the kids try to experiment on many things including drugs or substance abuse.

Teens Keep Away from Drugs or Substance Abuse
Teens Keep Away from Drugs or Substance Abuse


Parents, always remember that you have significant influence to your kids more than anyone else.   If you’re reading this page, then most probably, you are looking for ways to help your kids away from drugs or substance abuse.  Without further discussion, we give you four tips gathered from the latest scientific research studies in how to help teenagers keep away from drugs or substance abuse.



  • Your Influence as a Parent Plays a Vital Role

School, friends, other people and media surely play their role but parental influence remains on top of them all based from research studies.  Be a role model and clearly state your expectations about your kids’ behavior.  This will set standards, control and even discipline to your teenagers.


  • Communication

Parents who can communicate with their kids usually gain their kids’ trust and confidence.  Children tend to talk about their problems and their developing views about life.  With this, the children are less likely to drink or resort into drug abuse at an early age.


  • Parenting Style

Your parenting style affects your relationship with your children.  Are you an authoritarian, authoritative, neglectful or indulgent?  Know that your honest answer makes a difference in rearing up your child and their attitude when it comes to drugs or substance abuse.


  • Church Matters

You may completely scratch off this tip from your list but hear this out, okay?  According to research studies, teenagers who are religious or participate in church activities are less likely to drink and use drugs compared to those who are not included in religion.


A study conducted by Brigham Young University involved 4,983 adolescent showed that those who participate in religious activity prove themselves less likely to drink or abuse drugs than those who are not involved in religious activities.


Similarly, a study in Columbia University (2000) found out that teenagers who have active spiritual life are half as likely to become alcoholics or drug addicts or even merely try illegal drugs than those who do not have religious training.







